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S'han trobat 379 ítems
Llistant ítems des de 200 a 225:
Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
4 desembre 2007 |
Label space reduction in GMPLs and All-Optical Label Swapping networks |
Solano Donado, Fernando
Label space reduction in GMPLs and All-Optical Label Swapping networks |
Solano Donado, Fernando
6 juny 2013 |
Learning design implementation in context-aware and adaptive mobile learning |
Gómez Ardila, Sergio Eduardo
6 juny 2013 |
Learning design implementation in context-aware and adaptive mobile learning |
Gómez Ardila, Sergio Eduardo
Learning design implementation in context-aware and adaptive mobile learning |
Gómez Ardila, Sergio Eduardo
30 novembre 2009 |
Local model predictive control for navigation of a wheeled mobile robot using monocular information |
Pacheco Valls, Lluís
30 novembre 2009 |
Local model predictive control for navigation of a wheeled mobile robot using monocular information |
Pacheco Valls, Lluís
Local model predictive control for navigation of a wheeled mobile robot using monocular information |
Pacheco Valls, Lluís
30 juny 2011 |
Manifold clustering for motion segmentation |
Zappella, Luca
30 juny 2011 |
Manifold clustering for motion segmentation |
Zappella, Luca
Manifold clustering for motion segmentation |
Zappella, Luca
25 maig 2018 |
Medical imaging applied to teaching and meat science |
Xiberta, Pau
30 juliol 2012 |
Medium access control messaging scheme for cognitive radio networks |
Bolívar Díaz, Nicolás
30 juliol 2012 |
Medium access control messaging scheme for cognitive radio networks |
Bolívar Díaz, Nicolás
Medium access control messaging scheme for cognitive radio networks |
Bolívar Díaz, Nicolás
16 juny 2008 |
Methodology to obtain the user’s Human Values Scale from Smart User Models |
Guzmán Obando, Javier
16 juny 2008 |
Methodology to obtain the user’s Human Values Scale from Smart User Models |
Guzmán Obando, Javier
Methodology to obtain the user’s Human Values Scale from Smart User Models |
Guzmán Obando, Javier
21 gener 2013 |
Metodología y análisis de la fabricación de anhidrita en horno rotativo mediante elementos de inteligencia artificial |
Gironès Güell, Xavier
21 gener 2013 |
Metodología y análisis de la fabricación de anhidrita en horno rotativo mediante elementos de inteligencia artificial |
Gironès Güell, Xavier
Metodología y análisis de la fabricación de anhidrita en horno rotativo mediante elementos de inteligencia artificial |
Gironès Güell, Xavier
19 desembre 2011 |
A mission control system for an autonomous underwater vehicle |
Palomeras Rovira, Narcís
19 desembre 2011 |
A mission control system for an autonomous underwater vehicle |
Palomeras Rovira, Narcís
A mission control system for an autonomous underwater vehicle |
Palomeras Rovira, Narcís
26 juliol 2017 |
Mitjans digitals i públics escènics. La relació entre el públic i el producte cultural a través de la xarxa. Cas d’estudi: Festival Temporada Alta |
Baraut, Íngrid